Ultimate Survival Gear List: Build A Survival Kit For Any Emergency

Having the right gear with you can save your life in a survival situation.
So what gear should you have with you?
Here is our complete survival gear list that you can use to build your ultimate survival kit. With it, you’ll be able to make it through any survival scenario.
Surviving a bad situation usually relies more on your knowledge, resourcefulness, quick thinking and luck than on the equipment you carry with you.
But putting together and carrying the right gear with you can make a critical difference in many SHTF situations.
If you find yourself lost or you happen to be injured, then having items that can help you get noticed and rescued quickly can end up saving your life.
So we have put together a comprehensive survival gear list so you start putting together a serious survival kit and not overlook any potential life-saving equipment.
That way you can be sure that you have all the survival gear you need for whatever scenario you’re planning for.
Everyone has different survival requirements so no two survival kits will be the same.
Use this list to customize your survival gear to match your preferences.
Having the tools is important, but knowing how and when to use them is critical. That’s where survival skills come into play. Depending on your situation, you should learn wilderness survival skills, urban survival skills and long term survival skills. They are all interconnected and will elevate your chances of making it through whatever life has thrown at you.
The list below is organized into sections to closely match a ‘systems’ approach – having dedicated kits that you put together to form an overall survival kit system.
Survival Gear List – Packs, Bags, Tins, & Pouches
Your pack is one of the keystones of your survival kit. It must fit comfortably and carry the heavy load.
Your pack should be able to hold your essential survival gear, clothing, food and water. But it shouldn’t be so big that you’ll be tempted to bring a bunch of unnecessary items.
And it needs to be able to stand up to rough treatment.
You don’t want your pack to fail, losing much of your gear when you most need it.
Everyone has different tastes regarding the style of pack they want.
Also, different scenarios may warrant different types of packs. (See our article about “Gray Man Gear” if you need to blend into the crowd)
Here are lists of packs you can use to carry your survival gear.

General Backpack
- Osprey Aether AG 85
- Arc’teryx Bora AR 63
- Mystery Ranch Stein 62
- Fjallraven Abisko Friluft 45
Tactical Backpack
- GoRuck GR1
- TAD FAST Pack Lightspeed
- 5.11 Tactical Rush 72 Backpack
- Blackhawk S.T.R.I.K.E. Cyclone Pack
- Maxpedition Falcon-II Backpack
- Mystery Ranch 3 Day Assault Pack
- Condor 3 Day Assault Pack
- Spec-Ops T.H.E. Tactical Pack
- Eberlestock Halftrack Backpack
- Blackhawk Cyane Dynamic Tactical Pack
- 5.11 Tactical All Hazards Prime Backpack
- Sandpiper of California Long Range Bugout Backpack
- Red Rock Large Assault Pack
- Kifaru International Urban Zippy
Lightweight/Ultralight Backpack
- Zpacks Arc Blast 55L
- Osprey Exos 48
- Gossamer Gear Mariposa 6
- Granite Gear Crown 2 60L
- Ultralight Adventure Equipment Circuit 68L
- Gregory Paragon 58
Day Pack
- Exped Skyline 25
- Patagonia Lightweight Black Hole 26L
Haversack/Shoulder Sling Pack
- Maxpedition Jumbo Versipack
- Condor EDC Bag
- 5.11 Rush MOAB 10
- Hazard 4 Evac Plan-B Sling Pack
- Vanquest Javelin 3.0 VSlinger
Watertight Portage Pack
- Granite Gear Quetico 5000
- SealLine Pro Pack 115
Bushcraft BackPack/Rucksack
- Eberlestock G4 Operator Pack
- ALPS OutdoorZ Commander Backpack
- Karrimor SF Sabre 45 Backpack
- Frost River Isle Royale Backpack
- Duluth Bushcrafter Backpack
- Duluth Pathfinder Backpack (designed in conjunction with Dave Canterbury)
- Snugpak Endurance 40 Rucksack
Samuel Funt at Survival-Mastery.com has a good article about how to choose the right pack for you: “Best Survival Backpack: Tips and Tricks on How to Choose The One for You“

Keep your gear organized with pouches so you can find them quickly in an emergency.
These pouches are so versatile that they can contain your entire mini survival kit or EDC Gear kit if that’s what you want.
- Maxpedition Fatty Pocket Organizer
- Condor Tactical Utility Pouch
- 5.11 6 X 6 Pouch

Just like pouches, tins and containers will help keep your survival kit organized.
If your kit is small enough, it’ll fit entirely into one of these tins.
The great thing about having a metal container, it can be used for cooking or purifying water over a fire.
That’s why they make our survival gear list.
Make sure you include these multi-functional items in your kit.
- Altoids Style Hinged Lid Tin
- BCB Adventure Mini Mess Box
- Best Glide ASE Adventurer Aluminum Survival Kit Box
- ESEE Aluminum Mess Survival Tin 6.25” x 4” x 2.5”
- TRANGIA Mess Tin with Handle, 7.9″ x 5″ x 2.75″
** Detailed lists of Survival Backpacks, Pouches, and Survival Tins will be added to our survival gear list, coming soon.
Cutting Tools
You can do without a lot of things in a survival situation, but one tool you’ll miss quicker than anything else is a good knife.
This is especially true in a wilderness survival scenario.
Processing game, cutting cordage, working wood and providing protection, your knife is your workhorse tool.
You don’t need many tools in order to survive an ordeal.
You’ll find many stories of people making it through days, even weeks, enduring terrible conditions without any tools at all.
But survival gear is about finding and carrying those tools that will make your life so much easier and make you so much more effective that it could actually make a difference in whether you live or die.
Cutting tools like knives, axes, saws, and multitools fall under that category.

Fixed Blade Survival Knife
A good survival knife is one that helps you survive (…obviously).
You can use it for cutting, splitting, food prepping, building shelters, fire making, hunting, self-defense, prying, hammering, crushing, digging and more.
So make sure you have a high-quality survival knife included in your survival gear. (How to Choose the Perfect Survival Knife).
These are the fixed blade knives that make our survival gear list:
- ESEE 5 Tactical Survival Knife
- ESEE 6 Tactical Survival Knife
- Fallkniven A1 Knife
- Benchmade Bushcrafter 162 Knife
- Ka-Bar Becker BK2 Campanion Fixed Blade Knife
- Gerber LMFII Infantry Knife
- Gerber Strong Arm Knife
- Ontario RAT-3 Knife
- Becker BK7 Combat Utility Knife
See our top picks for EDC Fixed Blade Knives.
Check out our top pick for Best Tactical Bowie Knife.
See our article: Best Knife For Camping: Top 7 Picks for Your Outdoor Adventure
Pocket Knife
- Benchmade Adamas
- Spyderco ParaMilitary 2 G-10 Plain Edge Knife
- Kershaw Ken Onion Blur
See our complete list of top pocket knives: Lightweight Folding Pocket Knife.
See our choices for: Best Swiss Army Knives.
Survival Machete
- Cold Steel 97KMS Kukri Machete
- Ontario 18″ Military Machete
- SOG SOGfari Kukri Machete MC11-N

Survival Saw
- Bahco saw blade (for DIY bucksaw)
- Chain-Mate Pocket Chain Saw
- Bahco Laplander Folding Saw
- Gerber Gator Folding Saw
- Silky Gomboy Saw
- 21″ Sven Saw
- Filzer Buckster Folding Bucksaw
- Agawa Canyon – BOREAL21 Folding Bow Saw
- Stanley 10” Rod Saw – Tungsten Carbide Grit Blade, Hacksaw Blade
- BCB commando/survival wire saw
- Leatherman Wave Multitool
- Victorinox Large Locksmith Swiss Army Knife
- Victorinox Ranger Grip 58 Hunter
See our choices for the Best Bushcraft Saws
(see Multitools below)

Survival Axe
- Gransfors Bruk Small Forest Axe (19″ Handle)
- Wetterlings Backcountry Axe (19-1/2″ Handle)
- Hultafors Trekking Axe (16″ Handle)
See our picks for the Best Survival Axes
- Granfors Bruk Wildlife Hatchet
- Husqvarna Hatchet
- Fiskars X7 Hatchet
- Gerber Bear Grylls Survival Hatchet
- H&B Forge Medium Camp Hawk
- Cold Steel Trail Hawk
- CRKT Woods Chogan Tomahawk
- Kershaw 1073X Siege Tomahawk
See our Top Picks For Best Tomahawk For Bushcraft

Survival Shovel
The survival shovel is one of the more underrated pieces of gear when it comes to a survival kit. The whole point of carrying equipment is because it is difficult and/or time consuming to replicate in the field (wilderness or urban). That’s why a knife and cordage are almost always high priorities on a survival gear list. Well, digging a hole without a shovel in wet, sloggy conditions isn’t very effective or pleasant. That’s why a shovel should be higher up on your priority list, especially if it is light and can fold down so it can be carried in your bug out bag.
See our list of the Best Survival Shovels
Demolition Tool
- Stanley 12-3/4-inch Wonderbar Pry Bar
- Dead On Annihilator Wrecking Bar
- Truckers’ Friend Survival Tool
- Fallkniven DC4 Sharpening Stone
- Smith’s Pocket Pal Sharpener
- Lansky Puck – Dual Grit Multi-Purpose Sharpener
- Nicholson 6” Mill Bastard File
- Leatherman Wave Multitool
- Victorinox Swiss Army Work Champ Pocket Knife
- Gerber Bear Grylls Ultimate Multi-Tool
- SOG PowerAssist Multi-Tool
See our article on the Best Keychain Multi Tools. These are the best small edc keychain tools you can carry in your pocket.

- 1” Scotch Eyed Auger
- Garrett Wade Steel Twist Gimlets
- Stanley 1-Inch FatMax Short Blade Chisel
- Pfeil “Swiss Made” 25mm # 8 Sweep Bent Gouge
Hook Knife/Spoon Knife
- Morakniv Wood Carving Hook Knife 162
** More detailed lists of Survival Tools will be added to our survival gear list, coming soon.
Which task takes priority in a survival situation has been debated forever.
The reality is it just depends on where you are, what the conditions are and what you feel are going to be the conditions coming up.
Once you have calmed down you should assess your situation.
This will help you decide what your priorities are going to be.
They will shift depending on all the different variables you are facing.
Now, you already know you can survive a long time without food.
You also know that water is critical and should be higher on your priority list.
You can last a long time without fire or even a proper shelter in many circumstances.
BUT, if the elements are not in your favor, then a lack of shelter will kill you faster than anything.
In most cases, you don’t need anything fancy. You just need to reduce your exposure to the elements and keep warm (or shady in hot climates).
Your shelter can be very simple and yet be very effective.
Here is a list of gear that will provide shelter or help you build one so you can protect yourself as well as your supplies from the elements.

- Eureka Down Range Solo – 1 Person Tactical (TCOP) Tent
- Snugpak The Ionosphere 1 Man Dome Tent
- MSR Hubba Hubba NX Tent
- Big Agnes Fly Creek HV UL 2
- Kelty Grand Mesa 2
- Mylar Reflective Tube Tent
Cold Weather Tent
Take a look at our article: Best Cold Weather Tents.
- Sanctuary SilTarp – Ultralight Waterproof Ripstop Silnylon Tarp
- Aqua Quest Safari Tarp 10 x 10 ft – Lightweight Waterproof Sil Nylon
- Hilleberg Tarp 10 UL
- Grizzly Tarps 8 x 10 Blue Waterproof Poly Tarp
- Frogg Toggs Ultra-Lite Poncho
- Hennessy Hammock Expedition Series
- Grand Trunk Skeeter Beeter Pro Mosquito Hammock
- ENO Eagles Nest Outfitters – Sub6 Hammock
Bivy Shelter
- Snugpak 92860 Stratosphere One Person Bivvi Shelter
- Camouflage Waterproof Bivy Cover
- Military Modular Sleep System 4 Piece with Goretex Bivy Cover and Carry Sack
- TACT Bivvy Emergency Survival Sleeping Bag
- S.O.L. Survive Outdoors Longer Escape Bivvy
DIY Emergency Shelter Materials
- 60 Gal Contractor’s Garbage Bag
- Plastic Sheeting
- Tyvek Sheeting
- Mylar Reflective Emergency Blanket 59″ x 87″
- 550 Type III 7 Strand Paracord
- Kevlar Cord
- Bankline
- Duct tape
** More detailed lists of Survival Shelter Gear will be added to our survival gear list, coming soon.
It’s important to know how to build improvised shelters in case of an emergency.
Here’s a great video that highlights several survival shelters that will help keep you warm, dry and alive.
Your life depends on being able to stay warm when the environment around you gets cold.
Nothing (besides suffocation or drowning) will kill you faster than exposure to cold temperatures and being wet.
Make sure you have the proper gear with you depending on where you are, the time of year, and the expected weather conditions.
So the following items are included in this survival gear list so you can maintain your core body temperature under any situation.
- Clothing – Waterproof breathable jacket
- Hat
- Gloves
- Socks
- Waterproof Poncho
- Woobie Poncho Liner
- Sleeping Bag
- 100% Wool Blanket
- Portable Radiant Heater
- Best Tent Stove
- Bandana
** More detailed lists of Survival Thermoregulation Gear coming soon.
Fire Making
Fire making is one of survival’s essential skills.
It does much more than provide heat in the cold weather.
You can use it as a rescue signal, cook food, boil and purify your water, provide light at night, and give you that psychological boost when you most need it.
Now, there are two schools of thought when it comes to fire making in a survival situation.
The first way is you should develop the skills to make fire using only natural materials available. That way, you don’t need to rely on or carry any fire making gear.
The second way of thinking is you may find yourself in a situation where you must make a fire in a hurry or don’t have the ability to make a fire bow.
For example, if you’ve fallen into near-freezing water and you need to start a fire immediately before you become hypothermic, then having fire making gear with you can be a lifesaver.
Learning how to make fire without gear is a very important skill and I highly recommend you learn and practice this skill.
But carrying some fire making items with you only makes sense.
You just never know what situation you’ll find yourself in, be it wet or humid weather conditions or freezing cold.
The list below is a comprehensive list of fire making gear. You won’t need all of them.
But this survival gear list does provide you with a bunch of options from which you can select a few items as part of your fire starting kit.
- Firesteel – Ferro Rod/Misch Metal and Striker
- Stormproof Lighter
- Ready-Made Tinder – Quick Fire
- Fresnel Lens
- Stormproof Matches
- Watertight Match Container
- Ranger Bands (for pump drill)
Take a look at our list for a complete Survival Fire Starting Kit.

Water Collection and Purification
The Rule of Three’s indicates that you can go 3 minutes without air, 3 hours without shelter, 3 days without water, 3 weeks without food and 3 months without companionship.
So as long as you’re getting air and you have taken care of your immediate safety, then you need to determine your next priority – finding/building shelter or finding water.
This decision will depend on your situation and location.
The rule of three’s says 3 hours without shelter but that applies if the weather or temperature is not favorable.
You may want to put off shelter building in favor of locating water.
Trying to function while you are dehydrated is not a pleasant experience. And it only gets worse, to the point of becoming incapacitated.
Also, keep in mind once you find water, you may need time to purify it before you drink it.
You need to find a clean source of drinking water as soon as possible.
If it’s not a clean source, then you need to know how to purify it (water bottle, water filter, boiling, distillation, etc.).
If you can’t find an obvious water source, then you need to know alternative methods for obtaining water (such as digging for it in low lying areas, collecting dew, creating vegetation stills with plastic bags, and finding water-containing plants).
We need about a gallon (4 Liters) per day.
Here is a list of gear that will help you find, clean and carry water in a survival situation.
- Metal Container Titanium Canteen
- Water Filter
- Emergency Water Filter Straw
- Water Purification Tablets
- Rubber Tubing
- Electrolyte Hydration Replenishment
- Water Reservoir For Backpack (Camelbak)
- Coffee Filters
- Bleach
** More detailed lists of Water Collection & Purification Gear will be added to our survival gear list, coming soon.

Food Procurement and Preparation
Typically, food is one of the first things people consider when they plan for emergencies.
Truth is, in an SHTF scenario, food is one of the last things you actually need for survival.
You can last up to 3 weeks without food. But to avoid that hardship, stockpiling food is a great idea.
So what happens after you run out packaged food?
That’s when you need to have a plan for what happens next – procuring your own food.
Hunting, fishing, and trapping are the most effective ways for you to procure food or supplement your supplies.
So you’re going to need to have the equipment and tools to be able to do this, along with ways to be able to prepare and cook this food.
Here are lists of survival gear for hunting, trapping, fishing and cooking food you process yourself.
Food Preparation Kit
- Metal Cup/Pot (Nest with Water Container)
- Wood Stove (Vargo Titanium Wood Stove)
- Trangia Alcohol Stove
- Isobutane Propane Gas Stove (MSR Pocket Rocket 2)
- Fuel
- Toaks Titanium Folding Spoon
- Light My Fire Titanium Spork
- Energy Bars
- Soup Packages
See our list of the Best Campfire Cooking Kits.
Survival Fishing Kit
- Uncle Flint’s Survival Fishing Kit
- BCB Survival Fishing Kit
- Yo-Yo Fishing Reels
- Best Glide ASE Adventurer Survival Gill Net
Trapping Kit
- Snare Wire
- Duke Conibear Traps
Hunting Kit
See “Weapons and Protection” below.
** More detailed lists of Survival Hunting, Fishing, and Trapping Gear will be added to our survival gear list, coming soon.
Weapons and Protection
- Rifle – Remington Model 700, Aero Precision AC-15M
- Pistol – Sig Sauer 226 MK25 9mm
- Ammunition & Magazines
- Targeting – Scope, Nightvision – Bushnell FFP Illuminated BTR-1 BDC
- .223/5.56 Cleaning and Maintenance Kit
- Pelican Waterproof Carry Case
- Bow – Samick Sage Takedown Bow
- Crossbow – TenPoint Venom Xtra Crossbow
- Speer – SOG Spirit Fixed Blade / Spear Tip
- Slingbow – Chief AJ Elite Slingbow
- Arrows
- Sling
- Atlatl
- Slingshot – Trumark Folding Slingshot
** More detailed lists of Survival Weapons and Protection Gear coming soon.

First Aid, Medical Supplies & Safety
It goes without saying, items in your first aid kit are among the most important in your survival kit.
Your first aid kit should be tailored to the area you are traveling in.
And you should know how to use each item you put in your first aid kit.
- Sun Glasses/Eye Protection – Bell+Howell Sports Polarized Sunglasses
- Gloves – Mechanix Wear Tactical Gloves
- Medical Trauma Kit with Tourniquet
- Small First Aid Kit – Adventure Medical Kits Ultralite 0.5 Solo First
- Anti-diuretics
- Antihistamine
- Antibiotic/Antiseptic Cream
- Pain Killers
- Safety Pins
- Sunscreen
- Burn Ointment
- Lip Balm
- Mosquito Repellant
- Aspirin
- Superglue
- Sewing and Repair Kit
See our choice for the Best First Aid Kit For Survival.
Rescue Signaling and Communications
The entire goal of surviving is so you can go home.
Let’s face it, in a real survival situation, you’ll be scared, cold, hungry and exhausted.
So give yourself the best chance at ending the nightmare as quickly as possible.
Signaling becomes a critical part of your survival kit to turn an emergency into a non-event.
Once you have secured your immediate safety, you need to get your signaling ready to go.
The last thing you want is a potential rescuer passing by and you’re not ready to get their attention.
Here is a list of some signaling and rescue gear you should consider for your survival kit.
- Signaling Mirror – Starflash
- Signal Whistle (See this article: How to Choose The Best Emergency Whistle)
- Flashlight – Fenix PD36R Tactical Flashlight
- Chem Lights – Industrial Strength
- Laser Flare/Rescue Beacon
- Flares
- Orange Garbage Bag
- Mylar Foil Emergency Blanket
- Spot Gen 3 Satellite Messenger
- Personal Locator Beacon
- Phone
- Shortwave, CB, HAM Radio
- Crank Radio – Midland XT511 GMRS Two-Way Emergency Crank Radio
- Walkie Talkie – Midland LXT600VP3 36-Channel GMRS with 30-Mile Range
- Power Charger – Kaito KA500 Solar Power, Wind Up Emergency AM/FM/SW/NOAA Weather Alert Radio with Flashlight, Reading Lamp, and Cellphone Charger
- Spare Batteries
** More detailed lists of Survival Signaling and Communications Gear will be added to our survival gear list, coming soon.

Should you stay or should you go?
That is the big question when it comes to SHTF scenarios.
There are pros and cons to each.
The prevailing wisdom in the survival community is to stay put, no matter what.
But once you have assessed your situation, that might not be the best advice.
If you do decide to attempt self-rescue, then you’ll need navigation gear and you’ll need to know how to use it.
Here is a list of the essential navigation gear you’ll need to travel an unfamiliar area.
- Compass (with ruled-edge) – Silva Ranger 515
- Map of area
- GPS – Garmin GPSMAP 64st
- Altimeter
- Spare Batteries
- Battery Charger
- Binoculars (see our top picks for best binoculars for survival)
** More detailed lists of Survival Navigation Gear coming soon.
Hygiene Kit
Hygiene can often take a back seat when survival is on your mind.
Once you have all your essential priorities taken care of, then don’t ignore your hygiene.
It is important as it helps prevent infection, fungus, and disease. And your small cuts won’t become big problems.
That’s why hygiene items are included in this survival gear list.
Now hygiene products that you could include in your survival kit will be extremely varied.
But there are some common items that would form the basis of most people’s kits. Here is a survival gear list of hygiene products that will help you get started.
- Soap
- Hand Sanitizer
- Toilet Paper
- Wipes
- Facecloth (Bandana)
- Towel
- Toothbrush
- Toothpaste
- Lip Balm
- Moisturizer
- Dental floss

An SHTF situation is stressful enough.
Now imagine you’re lost, trapped or hurt and you watch the last light fade away.
You can barely see your hand in front of your face and you have that sinking feeling that you’ll be in the blackness all night.
This is when you would welcome any kind of light source.
Something as simple as a small flashlight on your keychain will be comforting.
Just knowing you’ll be able to see what goes bump in the night.
Below is a list of items that you should consider as part of your survival kit.
- Keychain Flashlight – Prometheus Lights Beta QRv2
- Flashlight – Fenix PD35TAC, 1000 Lumens
- Headlamp – Petzl TACTIKKA Headlamp, 200 Lumens, with Red Light
- Long Burning Candle – 8 hour
- Candle lantern – UCO Micro Tealight Candle Lantern
- Cotton Wick (to improvise an oil lamp)
- Windup/Solar Flashlight/Radio
- Spare Batteries
See our list of the Best Hiking Headlamps
Also, see our article: Stay Safe in the Dark: What’s the Best Hiking Flashlight for You?
** More detailed lists of Survival Flashlights & Lighting Gear will be added to our survival gear list, coming soon.
Comforts Kit
Once your safety has been secured, then begins the wait.
Are you going to be rescued in a few hours or will it be days?
After the initial surge of activity to find water, build a shelter, collect firewood, make a fire, prepare for signaling, and find food, then what?
Well, that’s when you hurry up and wait.
And… wait some more.
Survival isn’t enjoyable. It’s hell.
And part of what makes it hell is stress and monotony.
So that’s why you should have a small comforts kit.
This will help you get through the monotonous waiting.
It will help you stay focused on what’s important – getting back to your family and friends.
It’ll also keep things like mosquitoes from driving you absolutely nuts (if you live in mosquito or black fly country, you know what I’m talking about).
Now, this kit is about as personal as it gets, so it’s hard to put together a list.
But here’s a starter.
- Mosquito Net
- Bug Head Net
- Pencil
- Rite in the Rain All-Weather Field Notebook
- Picture of Your Family
- Book (like the SAS Survival Handbook)

Bushcraft Kit
A bushcraft kit is a hybrid kit containing many items from the lists above.
Carrying a bushcraft kit allows you to easily make survival items out of wood and other natural materials.
This reduces your reliance on bringing every bit of gear with you. You bring a few select tools and you can make useful items as you need them.
That’s why no survival gear list would be complete without bushcraft tools.
These items can range from camp items like bowls and spoons; hunting weapons like a bow and arrows, to other tools like a fire bow or the more complex but efficient pump drill.
And if you bring along some extra hardware then the possibilities are endless.
For example, if you bring a couple of ¼”dia. X 3” long bolts, you can build a lathe.
Or how about a few #8 x 2” long wood screws. They can be used to fashion a crossbow with a center trigger mechanism.
You get the idea.
Just a few extra screws or wingnuts that weigh very little and your survival tool making goes to a whole new level.
Here is a list of items that are key to any serious bushcraft kit.
You can upsize/downsize any of these items which allows you to work larger pieces of material, or reduce the weight of your kit.
- Knife – Benchmade Bushcrafter 162 Knife, LT Wright GNS Knife, Helle Temagami Knife
- Bahco 24″ Saw Blade – Dry Wood
- Bahco Laplander Folding Saw
- Stanley 10” Rod Saw – Tungsten Carbide Grit Blade, Hacksaw Blade
- Gransfors Bruk Small Forest Axe
- Fallkniven DC4 Sharpening Stone
- Leatherman Wave Multitool
- 1” Scotch Eyed Auger
- Garrett Wade Steel Twist Gimlets
- Stanley 1-Inch FatMax Short Blade Chisel
- Pfeil “Swiss Made” 25mm # 8 Sweep Bent Gouge
- Morakniv Wood Carving Hook Knife 162
- Morakniv Draw Knife
- Nicholson 4-in-1 File/Rasp
- 550 Type III 7 Strand Paracord
- Gloves – Mechanix Wear Tactical Gloves
- Rite in the Rain All-Weather Field Notebook
- Pencil
** More detailed lists of Survival Bushcraft Gear will be added to our survival gear list, coming soon.

Tactical Gear Kit
If you like to be prepared for anything, then your survival gear list also needs to include tactical gear.
If you believe the end of civilization as we know it is coming, then you will need to defend yourself from just about anything.
Even if doomsday isn’t coming, many scenarios will force you into dangerous situations.
You may need to hide from armed mobs, remain camouflaged while you bug out or defend your family from harm when the rule of law has broken down.
You may want to be sure to add at least some of these items to your survival gear stockpile.
- Camouflage Shirt – 5.11 Tactical Multicam TDU Shirt
- Binoculars – Sig Sauer Zulu 3 Open Bridge 8×32 Binoculars
- Laser Scope – Ade Advanced Optics Tactical Green Laser Sight
- Night Vision – Armasight Nyx7 Gen 2+ Night Vision Goggles
- Eye Protection – Smith Elite Hudson Tactical Sunglasses
- Body Armor
- Knee Pads
- Gloves – Mechanix Wear MultiCam M-Pact Tactical Gloves
- Chest Rig – Condor Outdoor Modular Chest Set, Condor Recon Chest Rig
- Survival Gas Mask – Israeli Rubber Respirator Mask NBC Protection
- Helmet – Armorsource AS-501 LJD Aire Ultra Lightweight Ballistic Helmet
** More detailed lists of Survival Tactical Gear coming soon.

Survival Gear List – Power
One of the key things we miss the most in any serious emergency situation is power.
It’s shocking how much we rely on electrical-powered devices.
Make sure you don’t get caught unprepared for one of the more common emergencies – an extended power outage or blackout.
Also, much of the electronic equipment in this survival gear list uses batteries.
From radios to GPS units, having a reliable power source to recharge batteries is essential.
Granted that this type of equipment is not meant for a long-term apocalyptic world as it eventually becomes useless.
But for shorter-term prepping situations, it will give you the advantage others won’t have.
Know Your Power Priorities
Generators are sold by power output, as measured in watts. The amount of power they deliver determines how many lights and appliances you can run at once; the quality and consistency of that power determines how well they’ll run. Figure on about 5,000 watts to cover the basics.Start by making a list of what you don’t want to go without while the power’s down, then add up their watts to get you in the right ballpark. Here are some rough numbers for common essentials:
Refrigerator: 600 watts
Sump pump: 750 to 1,500 watts
Portable heater: 1,500 watts
Window air conditioner: 1,000 watts
Lights: 60 to 600 watts
Computers: 60 to 300 wattsCourtesy of: Consumer Reports
So if you’re at home or on the move, make sure you have power sources.
This alone can be a massive advantage over others who will be falling onto desperate times.
- Back-up Generator – Champion 2000-Watt Stackable Portable Inverter Generator
- Go Power! GP-PSK-120 120W Portable Folding Solar Kit
- Wind Turbine Generator 500W Vertical Axis Kit
- BioLite Wood Burning Stove With USB Charger
- Anker 21W PowerPort Dual USB Solar Charger For Hiking
- Quadrapro Solar PowerBank
See our article on the best Solar Phone Chargers On The Market (Right Now)
** More detailed lists of Survival and Emergency Power Gear coming soon.
Transportation is a broad term that’s going to scoop up many different modes of transport.
It becomes an important factor in many different survival scenarios.
This can be anything from specialized bug out vehicles and rafts, to foldable electric bikes that store in your vehicle’s trunk.
So we include different forms of transportation on this survival gear list.
See our article: Best Packraft: Get To Places You Never Could Before
** More detailed lists of Bug Out Vehicles and Other Transportation will be added to our survival gear list, coming soon.
Survival EDC
The importance of carrying survival gear as part of your EDC (Everyday Carry) cannot be overstated, as it ensures preparedness for unexpected situations or emergencies.
By curating a well-rounded EDC gear list, you equip yourself with tools and items essential for handling challenges that may arise in daily life, as well as in survival situations.
Having a reliable EDC gear list not only provides a sense of security and self-reliance but also empowers you to navigate through unforeseen circumstances with confidence and ease.
What Gear Have We Missed?
What gear do you think is missing that should be on this survival gear list?